English Across the Curriculum


Types of Cancer

There are over a hundred different types of cancer. Although it can strike people of all ages, older people get cancer more often than younger ones. Cancer is not one single illness. It can attack all parts of the body and spread to other areas.

Among the most common types of cancer are:

  • Bone cancer – most cases are caused by cancer somewhere else in the body
  • Brain tumours – there are several different types, depending on the cells of your brain
  • Breast cancer – the most common form of cancer in women around the world
  • Bowel cancer – this form of cancer can be best treated if you detect it early
  • Leukemia – blood cancer affects people of all ages groups
  • Lung cancer – is one of the deadliest forms of cancer
  • Prostate cancer – one of the most common forms of cancer that affect men over 50
  • Skin Cancer – can be avoided if you protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays.

Unlike infectious diseases like AIDS or the flu, cancer is not contagious – it does not spread from one person to another.