English Across the Curriculum

The European Union

Member States of the EU

Country Size in square km Population in millions
Austria 84 000 8.8
Belgium 30 000 11.5
Bulgaria 111 000 7.0
Croatia 56 000 4.0
Cyprus 9 000 0.9
Czech Republic 79 000 10.6
Denmark 43 000 5.9
Estonia 45 000 1.3
Finland 338 000 5.5
France 640 000 67.0
Germany 357 000 83.0
Greece 132 000 10.7
Hungary 93 000 9.7
Ireland 70 000 4.9
Italy 301 000 60.3
Latvia 64 000 1.9
Lithuania 65 000 2.8
Luxembourg 2 500 0,6
Malta 316 0.5
Netherlands 41 000 17.2
Poland 312 000 37.9
Portugal 92 000 10.2
Romania 238 000 19.4
Slovakia 49 000 5.4
Slovenia 20 000 2.1
Spain 504 000 46.9
Sweden 449 000 10.2