English Across the Curriculum


Nordic Skiing

Nordic skiing includes cross-country skiing and ski jumping. It is called Nordic because cross- country skiing has been a way of getting around in Norway, Sweden and Finland for a long time.

Cross-country skiing is the most popular form of Nordic skiing. Skiers glide over flat or hilly areas, and along forest trails. The skiers move by thrusting their poles into the snow and striding forward. Cross-country skiing is a good exercise and strengthens your overall physical condition. The skis are much lighter and narrower than alpine skis and do not have a metal edge. The poles are also longer than alpine poles because you use more thrust to move forward.

Ski jumping is a form of skiing for athletes. A skier glides down a steep track and flies off a platform at the end. Jumpers are judged on the distance of their jump and on their jumping style.

Cross-country skiing
Image: Svengollon, CC BY-SA 4.0,
via Wikimedia Commons

The Holmenkollen - a famous ski-jumping hill in Norway
Image: Gislus, CC BY-SA 3.0,
via Wikimedia Commons