English Across the Curriculum


Conductors and Insulators

Electricity can pass through some objects better than through others. Conductors are materials through which electrons can travel more freely. Copper, aluminum, steel and other metals are good conductors. So are some liquids like saltwater.

Insulators are materials in which electrons cannot move around. They stay in place. Glass, rubber, plastic or dry wood are good insulators. They are important for your safety, because without them, you couldn't touch a hot pan or plug in a TV set.

Copper wires are good conductors. They let electricity flow freely
Image: pxhere.com , Public Domain

Rubber gloves are bad conductors. They protect you from an electric current.
Image : Callum Hilton: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-pair-of-blue-latex-gloves-7856715/