English Across the Curriculum


Newspapers in the 21st Century

The invention of computers in the 20th century has greatly changed the way newspapers are made. Today, reporters can save time by sending the main facts of their stories by e-mail . Editors can easily make corrections with spell checkers. Articles are shuffled from one page to another and color graphics and pictures make newspapers more attractive.

However, newspapers are facing huge challenges in today's world. Increasing costs of publishing have driven many newspapers out of business. In addition, income from ads is falling because newspapers must share the advertising market with television, the internet and other media.

Reading habits have also changed. Younger readers are not attracted to newspapers as strongly as previous generations. Many people subscribe to online editions, where they get news quicker. There is also increased competition from blogs and social media.

Online edition of the State magazine

State Magazine, published by the United States Department of State,
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons