English Across the Curriculum

Age of Exploration

Age of Exploration - Timeline


1450 Prince Henry the Navigator builds a school for sailors.
1453 The Turkish empire cuts off the land route from Asia to Europe. Search for a sea route begins.
1487 Bartholomeu Dias discovers the southern tip of Africa.
1492 Christopher Columbus lands on an island of the Bahamas.
1497 John Cabot discovers Newfoundland while he searches for a north-western passage to India.
1498 Vasco Da Gama finds a sea route to India by sailing around Africa.
1502 Amerigo Vespucci returns from his explorations of South America. A German mapmaker names the New World after him.
1513 Vasco de Balboa discovers the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean.
1519 - 1522 Magellan sails around the world.
1521 Hernando Cortes defeats the Aztec empire.
1533 Francisco Pizarro defeats the Inca empire.
1534 Jacques Cartier sails down the St. Lawrence River and discovers the Great Lakes.
1577 Sir Francis Drake is the first Englishman to sail around the world.
1607 The first settlement is called Jamestown.
1610 Henry Hudson discovers Hudson Bay.
1620 Mayflower lands with pilgrims in the New World.
1673 Father Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet explore the Mississippi River.