The History of London

Complete the text with words from the list
   bombing      centuries      crowned      disasters      eastern      economic      founded      green belts      invaded      plague      population      recovered      residential   
London is not only the UK’s capital but also its largest city. The political, cultural and hub attracts millions of foreign tourists every year.

The city was two thousand years ago by the Romans. After they had left England a few later, Saxons came over from the continent. In 1066 William the Conqueror Britain and himself in London. During the Middle Ages, London grew steadily. Two hit the city in the 17th century. The swept across the city and killed nearly a fourth of its . Then a fire destroyed many old buildings of the city.

Although England was never invaded by Nazi Germany during World War II, 30,000 Londoners were killed in campaigns.

In the 50s and 60s London from the destruction of the war. City planners designed around London to stop it from growing endlessly in all directions.

Towards the end of the 20th century the part of London, the Docklands were rebuilt. New office buildings and areas emerged to give the area a new face. An Olympic park was built in eastern London with new sports venues for the 2012 summer games.