EU - Organs and Institutions - Multiple Choice Cloze

Choose the correct option for each blank.

Heads of get together at least twice a year to the main problems that the EU has. Every six months a different country is to these talks. The Council of makes laws in the EU and has one from each nation. It works together with the European , which is the executive branch. It makes sure that rules are followed and carried out. 27 commissioners from each of the member nations for 5 years and are for certain areas, for example energy, transportation or farming.

The European is the only organisation of the EU that is by the people every five years. The EU Parliament does not have the same as national parliaments do, but works together with the Council of Ministers and the Commission. Countries with a larger , like Germany or the UK have more representatives than countries with fewer people.

The European Council of is made up of 27 judges who decide and quarrels in court. Their are final and everyone must follow them.
The European Bank was founded in 1998 and controls the of the euro and the of money in the union.