• English Across the Curriculum is a free website that allows you to improve your English skills in many subjects. Explore a wide range of topics in English, and by doing so, improve your vocabulary and knowledge through a series of tasks and exercises.

    The courses are lower-intermediate (A2)intermediate (B1) and upper-intermediate (B2) . In some cases, units are suitable for more than one level.  There is also a printable PDF Vocabulary List as well as an End of Unit Test in each of the units.

    Each unit has several parts. You should work through them in the order below.

    • Contents - The main part consists of webpages of information. Difficult words are explained when you move your mouse over them, so that you can understand the text better without having to look up words.
    • PDF Vocabulary Sheet - All units have a printable vocabulary sheet.
    • Videos - Each module consists of specially chosen videos with additional visual information.
    • Exercises and Tasks - After you work through the information section, you can do the online exercises and tasks. 

    The contents of the courses are open to guests. If you want to do the exercises and tasks, you will need an account. As self-registration is not allowed (due to spam) , please email me at eac@english-online.at and I will send you your account details.

    If you find any errors (and I'm sure you will ) please let me know. I would also appreciate comments and feedback. 

    Have fun 😄